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Questions tagged [signifier]

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3 answers

Signaling that an integration is active for the current course in an LMS

I have an LMS webapp for which I created an integration with Google Classroom. The integration can be enalbed by teachers on a per-course basis from an "integration settings" page of the ...
Samuele B.'s user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Signify that some input controls map to private information

I'm developing an app meant to be used by a school; user personas are teachers and students. Teachers can add exercises to the app database through an editor. Some of the fields of an exercise are ...
Samuele B.'s user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Differences between links and buttons in a web app or a website in action, affordance, and user experience

I know this question may have been asked before in a different way, but what I'm looking for is that with all the differences between links and buttons, what is important in displaying them in the eye ...
Sarah Akhavan's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What is the best way to signify parallelism and sequentialism in a vertical list?

Let's say we have a system that executes some tasks. You can model your processes by creating task lists. Tasks in a list can be executed either sequentially or in parallel (depending on a list type)...
Maciek Czarnik's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What symbol conveys "save"? [closed]

I have a text input field where the user enters an address. I am adding the ability to save the address to an address book. What should the icon look like to save? This is for smartphones so space is ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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24 votes
6 answers

What's the difference between the terms "affordances" and "signifiers"?

I do not understand the difference between the concepts affordances and signifiers. I am given the following definitions: Affordances: "Relationship between properties of an object and the ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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2 answers

How to signify swiping to access a menu?

So I'm designing a notes app for iPhone and I've hit some trouble. I can't figure out how to signify swiping to access more actions. Similar to what Mailbox does (see image below) however there will ...
jelias's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

What's a common signifier for "pull down to see more"

I have a mobile UI element, and I'd like to design it such that users can pull down on it to see more info about that element. Is there a common signifier that says "hey, pull me down"?
Adam Thompson's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Shopping Cart - What information should you show while browsing?

Does anyone have any data whether or not showing the number of items and/or total price of the items in the cart increases the likelihood of users purchasing the cart? I have my assumptions, but I'd ...
Jason King's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Best practice for sorting and being able to "check all" in a table with checkboxes

I have a table as part of a form for which users can click the header row to sort by that column (and click again to reverse order). The table also contains checkboxes, and clicking the checkbox in ...
Mike Eng's user avatar
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