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Questions tagged [conversion]

Patterns to help advance prospects along the sales funnel.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

It is better to give a quick experience missing features or ask for details upfront to make the experience better?

I have a pretty complex financial app that allows users to add their accounts and then use various tools, calculations, reports and graphs with these accounts. The more accounts they add the better, ...
husseinSD's user avatar
  • 106
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1 answer

How to test unwillingness to perform an action

Let's say that it's crystal-clear what the user needs to do next and we don't need to test whether or not the user is struggling with finding the action to perform. Rather, they're seeing the action, ...
Izquierdo's user avatar
  • 12.9k
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How to integrate upselling into an apps navigation?

The company im working with develops an application where customers pay for at least 2 modules (mandatory). We offer four other modules as well, which increase the cost per user and month. Those ...
Pectoralis Major's user avatar