I have an unusual question regarding how displayed data should look as opposed to how to code the solution. I really don't know where to ask this.
I have a table that contains settings for a web application and an admin page where these settings can be updated. Some of the settings contain values (ie. days_to_display = 5) and some of them are just straight up boolean values (ie display_days = true). So I have setup my table as follows:
id(int), date_created(date), key(text), value(text), enabled(boolean)
I also want each setting to be able to be individually disabled. So my database would like such:
1 | <date> | rule.days.to.display | 5 | T
2 | <date> | rule.display.days | <null> | T
3 | <date> | rule.hide.sunday | <null> | F
4 | <date> | rule.start.of.week | Sunday | T
Here's an example of what it looks like: http://prnt.sc/azuwyl
I cannot think of a cleaner way to show the combination of text and boolean values together.
Just for completion: Java backend, Tomcat, JSP pages, PostgreSQL database