We're doing an entire redesign of a website of a bank. (I made a simple scheme of the IA with some main categories -Insurance, Loans, CC, Bank accounts- in reality it's a bit more complicated)
In the current website the main categories are placed in the main navigation, when the user hovers over let's say 'Insurance' he sees a dropdown with related insurance products. So far so good.
But once you're logged in, 'My Car Insurance' is categorized under 'Insurance', 'My Bank Account X' under 'Bank Accounts', meaning all your personal stuff gets scattered all over the website. User tests already showed that the current IA isn't working, users simply don't go to 'Insurance' to look for 'My Car Insurance', especially if you have a category called 'MyAccount'.
The obvious solution woud be to place all your personal stuff in 'MyAccount'. But the bank people are not convinced, blaming the problem on the current visual design and technical implementation, which isn't optimal either but not the main problem in my opinion.
We've already experienced that the client is more easily convinced if you can back up your idea with some kind of theory. Something like 'how people categorize', or 'how people think',... but I can't think of a good explanation myself.
Anyone have any good suggestions? Thanks!!