Automatic filtering upon selection is not an option at this time. I'm Looking for good ux examples of left side bar PLP filtering that needs an apply button but that is on the left vertical filtering bar, aka not on top of the products on the right side. Make sense?

Thank you kindly for any help.

1 Answer 1


Why would a left-side bar PLP filtering component need to look different from a right-side PLP filtering modal that shows over the products? As far as your users are concerned, unless you're super focused on conversion boosting tweak, product filters work the same way. The filter component itself doesn't need to change it's look depending on side or overlay.

Right-hand modal filter

Right-hand modal filter

Left-hand fixed filter enter image description here

  • It needs to be different because of B2B constraints. Users need to immediately see all available options according to user testing as opposed to hidden in a drawer.
    – jeancode
    Commented Apr 5 at 19:24
  • 1
    That makes sense that you'd want to show your users all the filtering options. You can still take design inspo from drawers and right-hand or left-hand filters. The filter pane itself should look similar regardless of which side of the screen it's displayed on, if you don't want it hide-able won't change the look much either apart from you'd want to minimize width.
    – It's Dylan
    Commented Apr 5 at 19:34
  • Thank you for your answer. :) I will consider your information.
    – jeancode
    Commented Apr 6 at 6:47

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