I have been wondering which is easier for users to process - list (linear) menu layout or tabular one?
An example: on a Contact Us page on a web site you have the following modules of information: "address", "office hours", "convenient transport" and "phones".
I have personal observations advocating either approach. I have found that some people get overwhelmed and confused by seeing it all on one page (that is, the tabular format) - they do not know where to start from. After all, the human mind can process only one piece of information at a time.
On the other hand, there are other types of people, who seem to get lost in the list layout (they say too much scrolling) and they also seem to find lists harder to skim.
I can guess that it may boil down to people of various perception types, or the quantity of information, or whether the main task is navigating or reading in depth. But these are all guesses. Is there any research or detailed article on this?
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