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3 votes
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Can I use the breadcrumb for the payment process like the progress bar design?

I wonder that whether the breadcrumb model can match to the steps of payment process like progress bar model. My design in the development process, I have delivered my files to developer who's doing ...
Juli Akbar's user avatar
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Bill Pay Portal

I'm working on a project where we are building out a new business bill pay portal in addition to our existing residential portal. The bill pay portals have a similar set up, but they differ and color ...
Rissi's user avatar
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When using Paypal, how to account for shipping cost when not knowing the buyer?

I've put together a webapp where users can list their articles for sale with a price and the payment is done via paypal. Now caluclating the price for the payment won't really work if there is ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Where should I display 'free shipping if payment by debit card'?

I've been working on an e-commerce website, and the stakeholders want to add the following text: 'free shipping if payment by debit card'. Where should I display this on the website? I think the most ...
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