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3 votes
2 answers

Double expansion option for a single card

I'm trying to work on a data card and its expanded version. I want a user to access more details of a card body by expanding There are children entity on a card where I also want user to access ...
Burak Kantarci's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Make Cards more clickable

I'm creating a flat-ish responsive website, which let's you vote 4 certain topics. I'm displaying songs (but it could be whatever) in a flexbox grid system with 4 different colours. Each song is ...
Gabsii's user avatar
  • 113
2 votes
1 answer

White colored card on top of a white background

I'm building an iOS only app that helps users understand their Twitter data. I'm not sure what is the best practice in terms of User Experience and User Exception. I'm using white pressable cards, ...
Roi Mulia's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to use a Card component also for edit

On our UI, we are presenting the user his saved credit cards as a list of Card components, each saved card represented as a card. The user can save up to 5 cards which will be presented in two rows, ...
noadavi's user avatar
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