Is it possible to create a product where the main section (where users land after login) changes depending on the progresses made by the users with the product?
I'm currently working on a career development product, which main goal is to provide supports from mentors for enterpreneurs. This support will be provided in a "Progress dashboard", where users add long-term goals and mentors will evaluate the progresses of the enterpreneur towards these goals.
Users (enterpreneurs) don't have mentors by default; in order to create a "Mentors panel" they can browse a network of mentors (with which they're matched depending on profile preferences/details collected during the signup).
Users can use the progress dashboard even without having added a mentor in such dashboard, but ideally they would firstly find the mentors, and THEN start using the progress dashboard.
Here's a simplified flow of the journey (first use):
It seems to me that this product will have two distinct life cycles:
- "Browse mentors" is primary section: finding mentors in an "Explore mentors" section, and then adding them to their dashboard; this may take from 1 to 3 week averagely;
- Progress dashboard becomes primary section (they will always land here after login): weekly/monthly use of progress dashboard, where the selected mentors can provide feedback and will evaluate users progresses towards their goal.
Is there any best practice or real life example of products where a so-called "Main section" changes depending on the position of the user in the product life cycle? Is it too confusing to have the "Browse mentors" section as the primary one, and then make the "Progress dashboard" the primary one? Is it ever been done?
I'm not excluding that this necessity demonstrates an underlying issue with the overall product life cycle and user journey.