This is a very strange question that I'm about to ask that I'm not sure if anyone else has ever received.
I've been doing UX Design now for roughly 5 years, and I thoroughly enjoy it. I'm heavier on the flow side of things than I am wire frames, but still of course include wire frames in my process.
Today I was in an interview and I was told by the manager interviewing me, that I was indeed "too logical". I must admit that I did go pretty deep with the process flow and the thought behind the design within 15 minutes, but I was obviously wrong for doing this and they had mentioned that I should have only done one or two wire frames with a shorter process flow.
To add to this, I also misinterpreted what was said and definitely should have asked more questions before proceeding into the design process, that's my fault. But the words "too logical" are still playing over and over in my head.
Is it really possible to be "too logical" in UX Design? Is bridging the gap between designer and developer not the sole purpose of an UX Designer position in order to make the product better? Am I missing something?
I'm trying to find a take away from this, but all I've received has been "listen better" and "less is more".
Any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated.