I am looking for wording suggestions.
There is a panel on my webpage that can be removed by the user.
If a user removes it, a message appears at the top of the screen that says:
- The "How it Works" panel has been removed. [Undo]
If the user clicks the "undo" link, the panel re-appears, and a new message appears at the top of the screen:
- Re-showed the "How it Works" panel.
I'm trying to think of alternatives for this 2nd message.
What would be best to say here and why? Please keep in mind that I then need to pass these English versions to translators so that I have the same meaning in multiple different languages.
- Unhid the "How it Works" panel.
- Displayed the "How it Works" panel.
- Showed the "How it Works" panel.
- Re-displayed the "How it Works" panel.
- The "How it Works" panel has been unhidden.
- The "How it Works" panel has been displayed.
- etc?