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Best Practice for placement of Help / Save / Cancel icons

I'm designing a UI where sections will become editable, and there are also quite a few help icons for users to get further information about each section. Originally, I put the Help icon in the top ...
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Save filters - should we use an icon and what should it look like? [closed]

We are adding a save filters functionality for our mobile application. When the user clicks the save filters button we keep all of the currently selected filters so he can then use the same filters in ...
Sarantis Tofas's user avatar
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What symbol conveys "save"? [closed]

I have a text input field where the user enters an address. I am adding the ability to save the address to an address book. What should the icon look like to save? This is for smartphones so space is ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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Non-Archaic Symbol for "Save" [closed]

Scott Hanselman blogged about "14 icons that the younger generation hasn't seen to understand," like Save being a floppy disk. I did live through the floppy era, and I find that the symbol itself ...
ashes999's user avatar
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Floppy disk icon for "Save" [closed]

It's funny that we still use floppy disks icon for save operation association while floppies have long been outdated, unused and many computer users nowadays don't even know how floppy disks actually ...
Robert Koritnik's user avatar