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Questions tagged [cancel]

Cancel is the act to not continue with current action, which could be saving, editing or deleting a post.

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1 vote
1 answer

Back button changes from cancel to save and exit

I'm working on a campaign management tool, and the user can create a new campaign which takes them to the creation page (a full page takeover). This full page takeover has a save and exit button on ...
user176654's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Cancel button to go back after Saving

In a desktop application, I have a form which the user can edit some data, then save it. When they save, they stay on the same page and get the feedback message like "Campaign saved". And to ...
feelerino's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Disable cancel button in dialog during of performing action

I have a closable modal dialog with primary action "Add". Dialog can be closed without applying of changes by clicking on "Cancel" button, or by clicking on icon "close", ...
Yuri Beliakov's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Position of Cancel and Back Button

We have are building a room finder application where we have a back button and a cancel button. The back button goes back a step in the navigation, while the cancel button cancels the navigation. &...
Maharkus's user avatar
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27 votes
7 answers

Options for "Cancel this operation?" are "Cancel" and "Yes"; what would be better wording for customers in a hurry?

I tried to buy a train ticket from a vending machine yesterday in a hurry and had some difficulty navigating the English menus (Chinese is the default language). I was trying to back up one step, but ...
uhoh's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

Cross or left arrow to return to the previous page?

I am developing a phone app with Material UI (using Flutter). To return to the previous route ("cancel" the current route), when should I use Icon.close (cross): ...and when Icon....
porton's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is it necessary to have a close icon and close button on a modal?

I went through the search here and found a similar question from 10 years ago about Windows modals. This is just a regular agnostic modal. Is there a best practice with this case?
keano12's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Cancel button, reset form or go back?

I'm working on a project where there's a CRUD table, but the editing takes place in an individual page. In this editing page, if the user presses the cancel button, a modal pops up asking for ...
Vicky's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Cancel Dialog Text - Is the wording here confusing?

I have a dialog that comes up when someone cancels creating a new piece of data. They click cancel and the dialog says: I’m worried this is confusing. What do you think? Incase you can't see the ...
sketch_uzer's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Most appropriate icon for "Abort" button [closed]

I'm designing a button which when clicked aborts a certain process. I need an Icon on the button with the text "Abort". The icon will be place on the left and text will be placed right to ...
Somanna's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why is a cancel "X" icon required if there is already a "Cancel" option in a modal?

We are following this pattern, inspired by Mac and Windows OS, but I don't have a solid answer for why web apps use it. What is the importance of the X button? Is it really required?
Rishi Shah's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Best Practice for placement of Help / Save / Cancel icons

I'm designing a UI where sections will become editable, and there are also quite a few help icons for users to get further information about each section. Originally, I put the Help icon in the top ...
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1 answer

Affirmative action button on right, Dismissive on left ...... unless affirmative is destructive?

I have had a question about the contradictory nature of the Apple HIG in regard to button placement in dialogs. They say that Affirmative action button on right (Print), Dismissive on left (Cancel), ...
James Stables's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

In a booking confirmation page, is it good UX to tell the user they have an option to cancel once they have booked?

We want to keep the page as simple as possible with the appointment schedule, booking fee and payment method. But when keeping in mind a user-centric approach, a problem that might arise would be: ...
KenDeeter's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is this cancel button needed?

In this UI it is possible to type in text in an input box, press Enter and the text would get converted into a tag visually (and in JSON). After the tag is typed, the cursor would be ready for the ...
aly.i.ux's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Mobile forms - Where to put the save and cancel buttons?

We are making a responsive website. There is a form on the site and I am not sure what type of save and cancel buttons to use where. I have found several patterns as you can see in the picture with ...
Avadeha's user avatar
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1 vote
5 answers

Confirming cancellation [duplicate]

We have recurring donations that are able to be "cancelled" (meaning to cease its continued billing, not delete it from the interface). There is a button on our interface called "Cancel". When they ...
Chris Smith's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Cancelling a Cancellation

I'm in a bit of a verbiage bind. I have a form for a request cancellation. I cannot change the wording on that. The word cancel HAS to be used. The button bellow sits in the footer of a card. ...
user118907's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Should have a cancel button when the action itself is to cancel

This is a dialogue box from an employee scheduling application. Here, the action to be performed is to Cancel the approved timesheet with a reason. "Request cancellation" button is for cancelling the ...
Ramnan Arumugam's user avatar
21 votes
7 answers

Are there any conventions around closing an account with a credit balance?

I'm working with a site with member accounts. Those accounts can have credits attached (say from a referral incentive, a voucher, or a prize). The credits can then be spent in the site's shop - they'...
Beejamin's user avatar
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4 answers

'Save', 'Save & New', 'Save & Exit', 'Cancel', 'Cancel & Exit'

So we have a form (not a modal), in our desktop software application. There is a View mode and an edit/create mode for this form. The view mode is a summary of all the data from the create/edit mode. ...
Gary B's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Can I put Cancel so far away to the left?

I enclosed a sketch of my recent design. This is part of a screen of a game-related application which is currently searching for game updates. I am wondering if it's ok to put the "Cancel" button ...
Ola Osinska's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Is it a good idea to replace "other" with "let me tell you"?

When users unsubscribe from our service we ask them why and give several reasons to choose from and a custom field to type the answer. Usually companies name the custom field "Other" We don't really ...
Oksi's user avatar
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66 votes
10 answers

Should I add a redundant "Cancel" option? [duplicate]

The user starts an action, and, afterwards, the system determines that some special condition is present which warrants further confirmation from the user: download bmml source – Wireframes ...
Heinzi's user avatar
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3 answers

Settings Page - Save and Cancel buttons

please see an attached wireframe which roughly explains my question. I am working on a settings page - see 'My Settings' selected in the secondary nav nested under another heading. On this page, ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Button text for 'Are you sure you want to cancel this order' alert? [duplicate]

I'm working on an eCommerce site where we're implementing a feature that allows the user to cancel an order (of physical goods) that's in transit. On the line item (parcel level) the user can '...
Matt Watson-Power's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Is a cancel button required in an iPhone app?

I have a form-like page in an iPhone page. Are we really required to put a Cancel button along with Submit button? P.S: The user can go back by using the regular Back button in the left top corner.
Vasethvan's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is this ordering of buttons chosen

When I double click any executable sh file in ubuntu, I see the pop-up showing multiple options like below The strange thing to note here is that "Cancel" button lies in middle, not at either extreme....
Mohit Kanwar's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Bold button on pop-up alert

I am working on an iOS application, and I was wondering how my alert should be. The alert asks the user if they have finished adding the info. As the info cannot be edited later, I wanted to make sure ...
Pranav Wadhwa's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Is history-dependent navigation after save/cancel actions good practice?

I'm working on the content editor for a CMS. The user starts from a list of articles: From here they can navigate to two different screens - the pencil button takes them to the actual content editor,...'s user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Autosave option in a modal dialog with Save & Cancel buttons

Scenario - A modal dialog where a user can type in anything (basically, Notes) with Save & Cancel buttons present, and Auto Save implemented. Auto Save has a purpose - it will avoid the messy ...
Siva G's user avatar
  • 41
6 votes
5 answers

Confirm cancellation

I have a window, where the user will have to chose to cancel or save. First: I have some people in my office saying that when you click on save the window will not close, but you will get a ...
efrethe's user avatar
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4 answers

save/cancel dialog from pressing cancel

download bmml source – Wireframes created with Balsamiq Mockups I'm making a Windows desktop application. It's "too hard" to build in an Undo action. I have a task that opens in a modal window,...
alanj's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the best approach for showing the user instructions?

Our app has a fairly involved process of pairing with an adhesive patch via Bluetooth. This process is illustrated on a series of screens connected via Next/Back buttons. For users of this app, this ...
Paul Seymour's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Why should "cancel" and "confirm" button have the same size?

A lot of UI Frameworks provide 2 different types of buttons: a sort of confirmation button a "cancel" button The UI of the two buttons could be different: different colors, background, borders, etc. ...
MrDevel's user avatar
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2 answers

Should a user get kicked out of an application after they have cancelled their subscription (not their account)?

Our application does not cancel your account, rather the user's subscription gets cancelled. That being said, is it better to kick the user out from the app completely after cancellation (They can ...
Jason's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Confirmation dialog button wording

I have an iOS app sign-up process that is very, very lengthy. I implemented a button to cancel the process (there are reason why this might be necessary, for example to go back to the login screen). ...
Raphael Loder's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Back button or Cancel/Save when calling server is necessary

Here we have a settings screen that appears from a sliding view. You tap "Messaging" and the following modal shows up: In order to avoid the complexity involved with synchronizing settings every time ...
ldiqual's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What should Cancel button do with edits made across multiple dialogs?

We have a Windows desktop program where from the Main screen users open a settings dialog (Dialog A). On this dialog they can edit various settings and once finished, they can click OK and changes are ...
EUX's user avatar
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4 answers

On an application that does heavy calculations, with underterminate progress indicator, should we have a cancel button?

The application I'm working on performs very heavy calculations. Right now we're using an undeterminate spinner. I go nuts from this and can imagine our users get even more annoyed with it. I thought ...
claudia's user avatar
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4 answers

Offering a way to cancel a process

Given the case that a user is presented a modal dialog that displays an installation process (or something similar). If the process would normally take a few seconds but can potentially take longer, ...
J_rgen's user avatar
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Mailbox date picker back/cancel logic

I'm building a similar date picker option to the Mailbox one. I'm arguing with friends about their UX logic for returning from screenshot two to screenshot one. This is their main date picker screen: ...
pingDino's user avatar
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2 answers

Confirmation modal for sensitive actions

I would like to know which of these practices is considered as the best. A user of my website has the possibility of emptying its shopping basket. Should I : ask for confirmation with a modal ? let ...
user2854544's user avatar
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3 answers

Show message after cancellation

On my website, users can create, edit and cancel event dates Would it be weird or user-unfriendly to not serve users a message after canceling a date? (it redirects to the overview page) I'm aiming ...
mowgli's user avatar
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Should a progress bar go backwards when reverting changes

Related to Should a progressbar go both ways? Assume a file copy dialog box with an option to stop and revert the current operation. If the user chooses to revert, would it be better to roll the ...
user80551's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Ideas on dismissing a popover without a Close element

I have mocks from a designer showing an initial form for searching a location. There are fields for location (business) name and city (pre-filled) and a Next button (disabled at first). When the user ...
sueanna's user avatar
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4 answers

How to display save/cancel actions in an accordion

I'm in the middle of designing a setup flow and have decided to go for an accordion paradigm (due to the large amount of steps, using tabs would result in tab overflow in mobile devices). Upon ...
Mumas's user avatar
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Is there any reason to have a 'cancel' action on a multipage proposal form that will often be done in multiple sessions?

I am working on a multi-page form for creating a higher education course. The likely use cases would be a reasonably long one-session creation, or a multi-session creation. We are currently showing a '...
Rath_Er's user avatar
  • 453
2 votes
2 answers

Should I trigger an 'unsaved data' dialog on the cancel link?

Here's a question for the group. We are setting up our dirty fields checks for a multi-page form. We are setting it to be triggered when the user tries to navigate away, close tab, etc. One case that ...
Rath_Er's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Save & Add New, Save & Close, Save, Done, Cancel

This is something I've been struggling with, because there seems to be a lack of standard for it (as far as I can tell). There are two scenarios. Save & Close and Save & Add New We are ...
TSNev's user avatar
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