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Displaying two column data grid

In my recent application I have to design and implement a data grid which will be having only two columns. This actually use as matrix for reference purposes. User behavior is like Railcar operators ...
Nuwan's user avatar
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Best way to create a responsive prototype? [closed]

Are there any platforms or tools to create a responsive prototype?
Designer0567's user avatar
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What are components more important in a Login interface - System?

I made a system web for administration information and my customer solicit me a interface elegant and professional and like he is a people older and he doest not knows a lot about how to workings ...
simon's user avatar
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Design was made to look perfect at full and fixed width, how to deal with it on wider screens?

A website design has been provided to me which I should turn into a HTML page. But here is the catch: It was made to only look good when taking full width (it has a slideshow, and also a horizontal ...
CodeVirtuoso's user avatar
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Image size high-fidelity prototype

What is the resolution and image size to use for high-fidelity UX prototypes? I am supply images to someone doing a UX design for smartphones-iphone and android, tablets and desktop--I am wondering if ...
DesignSue's user avatar
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Need help with button layout on small device

I have the following button layout on my web app and it looks fine on larger screens.. On portrait iPad or smaller it looks like this.. I'm not sure what the best way to display, hide/show these ...
J Foley's user avatar
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UX design of a dropdown menu trigger for responsive sub-apps

I am buiding a web app called Hero Panel ( It consists on a panel with different productivity tools. These tools work as separate apps, each have its on functionalities and they are ...
sigmaxf's user avatar
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Two Color Progress Indicator

I'm interested in any examples of a two color progress indicator. The user will be looking at a web page consisting of a list of reports that are a combination of approved reports and reports pending ...
Chris's user avatar
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Grid with cards

I want to create grid withs cards that looks like on photo, every card have text in it. What would be better to make , all square or rectangular cards ?
Johnny Boy's user avatar
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Mobile site navigation - Burger menu or not? [duplicate]

Can anyone share some stats on the pros and cons of both using a burger menu (standard drop down or pop out) Vs a simplified navigation for mobile. Examples of great navigation can be found here: ...
Dan's user avatar
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How to Design a better Timeline Navigation for Responsive Pages?

I was trying to design a Timeline Navigation component for a responsive page. So i started with mobile view(320x480) and made a wireframe. Please check the wire frame below Why i designed like this ...
Jaison Justus's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why do we waste so much Screen-Real-Estate? [closed]

Border around the screen this basically boils down to why dont make the whole front of device a screen and why have borders around everything on the screen too. Why not replace the material around ...
user42276's user avatar
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What is so special about "Twitter Bootstrap"? [closed]

I have seen Twitter bootstrap and Yahoo purecss but I don't understand why they are becoming industry standards. People tend to directly use them for their project without thinking of something unique ...
Ankit's user avatar
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