I have an Expand/Collapse button with text beside it and the button occupies an entire row/block on the page: [+] Text Here

What should the clickable area of this button be? Should it be just the icon [+], the icon and the text or the entire row?

  • 1
    I would say make the whole [+] Text Here part clickable.
    – clhy
    Commented Feb 11, 2016 at 17:27

1 Answer 1


[+] icon is there to indicate that this row is expandable. So, in effect, you can make the whole row clickable.

To progressively indicate that a row is expandable you can at hover state

  • Underline the row

[+] My Documents //normal

[+] My Documents //at hover state

  • Show a number of child items like

[+] My Documents //normal

[+] My Documents - 3 Folders and 10 files //at hover state


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