What can I do to get customers to contact me and give feedback on my application?
I sell a downloadable Windows desktop application, I also have a web application that is under development (so I'm primarily interested in solutions that are applicable to a desktop application but also want to know about web application solutions).
I want feedback from my users about my application, currently I get a tiny amount of feedback (and all feedback seems to come from the same small group of customers), what can I do to get more people to send me feedback?
What I already did:
I have a contact form on the web site, a link to that form is in the top navigation bar on every page on the site.
I have my e-mail address in the footer on the bottom of every page on the site.
I have a "Send Feedback" entry on the application's main menu that goes to the contact form.
I have a "Tell us what you think" button in the app's about box, my e-mail address is also on the about box.
I regularly post on my blog trying to encourage feedback (example: I'm finalizing the feature list for next version - if you have suggestions now would be a good time to send them to me)
I also have an uninstall survey when you uninstall the app