What is the best medium for getting feedback from my team?
Sitting down with people is most helpful but takes most time. Sitting down with individuals gets high quality feedback but ends up with me going "but this person said something different, what do you think about this?". Sitting down with lots of people together allows discussion and means less going back and forth between people with conflicting views, but can lead to long, less productive, discussions. Emails can get ignored but can be good for getting quick replies and not having to have a whole discussion.
How frequently should I ask my team for feedback, and what is the most efficient way of getting this?
There is a lot of going back and forth with people during the iterative design process. How can I ask my team for feedback multiple times without bugging them too much? Should I ask specific questions rather than just sending a marked up wireframe and spec for comments? If I'm asking questions, how do I prompt them to address things that I haven't thought of?