I have an eComm site i'm specing at the moment. When you add stuff to the basket the on-page basket at the top of the page will update to give you a running total with links to view the full basket as well as to go to the checkout. However, currently both these links will go to the same page; the basket page with the option to review the items and then purchase all on the same page.
I've toyed with the idea of only having a link to 'View Items' but then it's not clear how to checkout. Conversly having only the 'Checkout' option on display means that it's not clear how you view the basket contents.
This leaves the two links, both with different names both going to the same page. I guess this could potentially confuse customers as both links do the same thing, but I can't think of a better way to go about this. Will this approach confuse users, or is this route the best way to handle this situation?
It's very likely that the basket will contain numerous items, it's not a single item type of store, so showing the actual basket items in this header area isn't practical.