As the Indeterminate state of a checkbox can only be set programmatically I was wondering what the best approach would be for the following scenario.

1. Starting with a GUI (checkbox and number input) controlled by a higher group. enter image description here

2. On user interaction, the group values are overruled. enter image description here

3. Removing the input values reverts back to the group values enter image description here

In the case of the checkbox, the intermediate state would be required but can't be achieved by the user through interaction with the checkbox. Is this even a way of doing so? Or am I better of implementing an extra reset button?

2 Answers 2


I suggest radio buttons.

( ) Same as group (Yes)
( ) Yes
( ) No

That pattern is also used in application settings, that can also be set on system level, like language or theme.

Here’s the example from Figma:

A theme input with an expanded menu with three options: Light, Dark, System theme. The last option is checked


From what I can see I would fix the following:

  • After incorrect data entry, do not cross out the explanation below. Make them red or add a message about what the problem is.
  • Add reset button. The check box seems to me not the best component for these purposes.

If I still haven't answered your question, please send more description.

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