We are developing an application, and we have a problem with a part of the UI. We need to display the forecast for the next days, but the values of the forecast falls down into a set of levels {1,2,3,4,5,6}. This is a problem, since the graphs really look good when are displaying values that are not exactly the same, but when values are the same, looks just not nice.
One option is to randomize the values of the forecast enough to give the feeling of a dispersion, but it can't be done, since is for scientific reasons and we can't just do it.
Any idea of improvements?
We thought about a pie chart, but it also doesn't match our purpose. Other option is to use line chart, but imagine the forecast for 5 days is the same level 1, will just display a straight line.
Additional information
We do not want to provide fake data, and it will not even be considered an option. I suggested adding a random value as a thought, that intermediately was discarded. (I mention it to avoid someone propose it as a solution)
E.g., the data we are displaying is the wind speed. The current wind speed can be 1 to 10 km/h or m/s (inside level 1), 11 to 30, level 2, etc... Our system is able to forecast the LEVEL of tomorrow's wind speed, but it can't give an accurate measure (let's say, 23.423232 km/h, but it can forecast it will fall inside level 2).
Our major concern is that most of the time, all the forecast periods are going to be of the same level, leading to situations to a flat line.
See graphs below
One important solution might be that there is really no solution for this issue and we just need to use the normal graph, just wanted to know different opinions on how would you handle this issue.