I am making a Windows Phone application that scans barcodes of grocery items. If the barcode is not found I ask the user to fill in info such as
- name
- brand
- unit size
I am mainly focusing on English but still planning to deploy to all marketplaces.
One scenario concerns me though.
In places like Canada a product has to have both English & French labelling. This product will share 1 barcode. So, some companies will have French Brand Name & English Brand Name and French Product Name and English Product Name.
I have no clue how to figure out what they are entering but the results could be bad.
Consider this product
If I setup my database to have one row per barcode I will only get one language back, either the English or French depending on what the user entered. I could get around this in the back end by querying for a Language as well.
Problem is how do I get the user to tell me what they are entering in?
- Option 1: Dropdown with every language that is required when adding product?
- Option 2: Detect language from phone
I don't like option 1 as that is too many choices and Option 2 can be hard as if the phone is not correctly setup might get the wrong result and also I have to consider French and French Canadian might be different.