https://twitter.com/search-advanced has the following options

  1. Any of the words
  2. All of the words
  3. Exact Phrase

But the user could make a mistake and enter values for all of them, why didn't they use a radio button across these options.

For reference, this is what twitter's advanced search currently looks like: enter image description here

  • 4
    That's not a mistake by twitter or users, that's a feature. Commented Feb 22, 2013 at 8:28

2 Answers 2


I did a little emperical experiement with the twitter advanced search, entering these values:

enter image description here

The result page gave me exactly that in return:

enter image description here

From my experiment, I come to the conclusion that the fields can be combined and that a potential radio button group would be all wrong. Wouldn't you agree?

  • I suppose they could emphasize the meaning of the form by putting "and" between the inputs (or before the labels, so that the whole thing runs as a sentence).
    – Peter
    Commented Feb 22, 2013 at 14:00

They aren't mutually exclusive options, and should allow you to search for combinations at the same time.

Let's say that you wanted to search for something about "Joe Bieber", but you didn't want to sort through eleventy million "Justin Beiber" resuts first, you would then exclude any search terms with the word "Justin" in them.

There are many use cases for multiple searches like that, and for that matter Google has used this method for years. I often use multiple constraints in Google searches, and get results that would otherwise be hard to obtain without them.

enter image description here

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