We have a webapp with a front/presentation/landing page. On this page it is possible to change language and, for already registered users, to login to the secure area.
Now we have a "Change language" drop down on this front page. We also have a option to change language on the secure pages after login (via a Settings page).
What is the correct way from a usability point of view:
- Should the language on the secure pages reflect the language the user sees when he logs in
- Should the language after login be independent of whatever language the users sees before login
I'm asking this because we get reports that there is a bug: The user change langauge on the front page, but sees another language on the secure area after login. This is by design and the "right" way in my oppinion but is percived as a bug.
What do you think. The front of the webapp can be seen here: www.jobmatchprofile.com