On making comparison, a very important thing is NOT to use different colors(or anything for that matter) to make further differentiation between the 2 columns. A is left, B is right, I think that's enough distinction to tell people that they are 2 different things being compared.
To show how A and B are different, the emphasis that you need to make is the difference between A's content and B's content, not A and B themselves. Such as what you had up there with Cold being blue and Hot being red, that was a right move. Now if you would just remove the background colors of the 2 columns, the visual difference between the Cold and the Hot would be much more pronounced.
Furthermore, don't let the fillers("weather is" and "right now") get in the way. If Cold and Hot are what you trying to emphasize, crank them up even more, make the text size bigger, or even use custom graphics. Or, line all of them up in columns so that the labels(reformat the fillers into labels) aligned vertically and the values aligned vertically while dimming the color of the labels.
weather hot
temperature 80f
male pop. 58%
Also, I'm seeing 4 boxes in the illustration (or 5 including the one containing the bottom 2). It would be better to have just 2 boxes (or columns) going head to head against each other. The point is that the vertical separation between A and B should be the most pronounced boundary on the screen, and you should only separate them in one place.