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What is the best way to display large images?

Currently, my site creates a small thumbnail for each image. If the user clicks on a thumbnail, they are shown the full version of the image in a new tab. Some pages can contain multiple images that ...
user182538's user avatar
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Disabling a modal dialog while waiting for the server

We're making a react web-app for business users We use a modal dialog for editing data. When the user clicks "save", the data get sent to the server. Usually, the server answers pretty fast (< 200 ...
maaartinus's user avatar
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How to avoid performance issues in user-customizable dashboards by limiting in some way the amount of information being displayed

I work for a Product that allows users to create customs dashboards. They have the possibility to create 1-25 custom charts and the available chart types are indicators, columns, bars, area, pie, and ...
Elliot's user avatar
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