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32 votes
8 answers

Is there a recommended size for search boxes?

Do users change their search patterns if the search is shorter? Do users search less if the search box is too large? The only article I'd found is a 2009 Smashing Magazine article: The [Nielsen] ...
Eliot Hill's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

Should I make space for error messages in forms?

I'm designing an mobile app for both iOS and Android, which includes a form. The form has several required input fields that the user needs to complete before continuing. If the user clicks Continue ...
NBK's user avatar
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6 votes
8 answers

Is it a "Natural language" form a good practice?

A good UX for a form is one that makes it easy and fast to use. An experimental form like this, that uses natural language instead of the usual form display seems to be simple to use and creative, but ...
Madalina Taina's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What's the best way to let users adjust values that must sum to a certain number?

I have four values that are a percentage of a whole, and I want the user to be able to edit these values. These four numbers must sum to 100.00 (any precision after that is unimportant) and the values ...
zach's user avatar
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