Looking to find some apps/websites that do a good job with contextual, time-based information. As in, say, the app reminds you at 5:30pm to eat a healthy dinner. Or tells you at 8:00am not to forget to grab your coat on your way out to work.

1 Answer 1


If you're looking for theory, take a look to this Real Time Design Patterns paper by Bruce Douglas

Else, if you're looking for visual aids, the Moves and WeightWatchers Apps are really good examples, since they do specifically what you mention.

enter image description here enter image description here

Also, you can take a look to these mobile patterns and notification patterns for ideas

  • As much as love minimalistic design I really don't like that first example (not that it's not a good example). I suppose it may be designed for apple watches too.
    – DasBeasto
    Commented Aug 7, 2015 at 22:31

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