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Questions tagged [real-time-updates]

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The state of the art / UX of multi-user data editing (at the same time)?

What are the best practices or what is the "state of the art" of having multiple users edit data in an admin panel UI? I am working on a dictionary app where you can in theory create a ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Approaches to indicate and handle new items from websocket on a live news feed

I have a live news feed that looks like this. I have data coming in continuously from websockets as long as you are on the page Currently I show a button when there are non zero new items and they get ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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3 answers

How should I handle search when data keeps updating via websockets?

I have a real time news feed that keeps updating via websockets Lets say you went to the search bar and typed new york I will fetch all 'new york' related articles from the database But since I am ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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What do I do when my backend is not in sync anymore with what the user sees on the UI?

The Problem I have a live data feed Users load 50 items on the home page and click load more to scroll infnitely As new data comes in every minute, I also push this new data to each user via ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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3 answers

Real time filtering or Wizard steps

At this moment, I'm working on a product finder tool. By answering different questions, you get advice that suggests a product of your interest. So, the answers to questions could lead to different ...
YengarIV's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Sending chat messages in real time

I am working on a chat application where I want to implement real-time delivery of the texts. As in, the texts get sent as the user is typing it in their textbox (just like Google sheets show real-...
Robert's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to communicate an enforced page refresh to the user?

I am working on an app that monitors firefighters during an incident. It could happen that we need to refresh the page automatically, in order to ensure that the user uses the last version of the app....
Maria Cristina Mardon's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What would a solution in surfacing good chat messages from Video Live Chats look like?

Good messages create conversation, and good conversations are a source of knowledge for the whole community. Knowing that, why isn't any of the big social platforms allowing for live chat message ...
Eek's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to deal with inconsistent time and date filter across tables?

Context Users should be able to filter tables with device information such as number of issues and number of products by time period. The filter allows users to enter a date and time manually (on ...
Avadeha's user avatar
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1 answer

Handling when the GUI changes right before a user clicks or taps

How should I handle the GUI changing just before the user clicks or taps, causing an erroneous input? I had the idea of ignoring input for 300ms before the input appears, but I'm not sure if this is ...
okoloBasii's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Real Time and Historical identification on App

I am making a dynamic dashboard. It shows real time and historical data. Here is the screenshot of it : All red arrows in the ss are symbolizes relative grids and ...
doctor cesar's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Interacting with a dynamically sorted list

I currently have a list that will be populated with song requests. Each song request appears as a list item with a title and artist name, and is accompanied with upvote and downvote buttons (similar ...
Hannah He's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

SearchBox that filters a ListView while typing - is there a name for this component/pattern?

In the desktop application I am developing, we have ListViews representing items in repositories, and for each one we have a TextBox at the top which works as a search box that filters elements in ...
heltonbiker's user avatar
34 votes
10 answers

How do you make it clear to the user when the data in a table is updating live (or not)?

We have a requirement to have a table of data update in real-time. New records will get added over time, as well as amendments on a cell by cell basis. However if a user changes the sort order, or ...
Andrew Rimmer's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it a good idea to pop-up a dialog asking for a search update after click on tab?

It's a desktop environment and there's one slow query with lots of joins. It currently executes when the user clicks a specific tab - instead of having to open the tab, and then click a button. But ...
Rasshu's user avatar
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2 answers

What situations should we provide an Error icon?

I develop a monitoring system that continuously monitors remote hosts and provides a real-time report about the status of some components of this remote host. For each component, I provide one of ...
Tamir Gefen's user avatar
1 vote
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When should a modal-dialog get its real-time data?

I have a page which displays some data stored in a database (furthermore defined as "dynamic data"). A modal-dialog also exists on the page which contains some other related dynamic data. The data is ...
user1032531's user avatar
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4 answers

Visualize realtime timeline chart

We have a system that collects events. An event typically occurs every 10th second or so, but its pretty random. The system collects the events during a project's lifetime which usually runs for ...
Bjorn's user avatar
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1 answer

How to deal with a wrong date and time on devices?

What would be the best approach to handle a wrong date and time on a device when dealing with data that is dependent, for example, on the current date? Let's say you have a next and previous object ...
Cyupa's user avatar
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Contextual, time-based apps/websites [closed]

Looking to find some apps/websites that do a good job with contextual, time-based information. As in, say, the app reminds you at 5:30pm to eat a healthy dinner. Or tells you at 8:00am not to forget ...
Jesse Moskowitz's user avatar
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Tracking what users are drawing on a piece of paper in real time

As part of our research in an HCI project, we need to track what users are drawing on pieces of paper in real time. Due to some requirements, we cannot replace the paper with anything digital. What we ...
Ali Alavi's user avatar
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1 answer

sorting a list that updates in realtime

I have a list of items (displayed as rectangular containers with text, numbers, buttons) that display realtime data. I want to be able to sort (and filter) these items, so that they adapt to the ...
pholz's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Use and display of real-time user experience data in web applications

I recall a while back that Zendesk displayed what felt like a 'real-time' feed on performance metrics that reflects some measure of the overall user experience (which for customer support is probably ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How to show user that page objects automatically update

I'm working on an online auction site. We're working on functionality to make the user dashboard auto-update without refreshing, so a user can see bids update real-time. The bid price and time updates,...
Kristin L's user avatar
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3 answers

Should I show a notification on an automatic save?

I have a web application in which a user can create filters for a news feed. When the user creates or modifies his filters, everything is saved to the server through API requests (without the need ...
xShirase's user avatar
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2 answers

Reactive (real-time update) or not for better user experience

Let me first explain what does the attached mock do. It's an order manager application where the customer support can go through the orders for a customer. That's what the Customer Order screen does. ...
wonderful world's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Do fine-grained message statuses (such as when a message was seen) help usability?

I was just reading this question, and noticed how often I see chat applications that allow you to know if/when a message is being typed up and when it is read/seen. I know the concept has existed well ...
Selali Adobor's user avatar
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How to color curves in a Timeseries Chart?

I have a realtime timeseries chart which should show a variety of values. To make it mor clear: It should contain values for a solar park. Therefore I have stuff like Voltage, Current, Power (absolute ...
Mauli's user avatar
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6 answers

Hide or display a chart while its updating

I am working on a chart application and the user changes options many times to update the chart. Sometimes the updating may take few second. (A) Should I hide it to avoid any misunderstanding about ...
Renaud's user avatar
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4 answers

Best UX for interacting with a grid that auto-updates on an interval

I have a grid that auto updates every 30 seconds. Each row has a checkbox in the first column where the user can select multiple rows and apply an action to it. They can also apply an action to an ...
aheuermann's user avatar
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Are there any peer-reviewed papers on the maximum waiting time to be considered "user real-time"? [duplicate]

Are there any scientific papers about any study performed on what is considered a maximum waiting time for an activity to be considered "user real-time" (not software real-time). I was looking at ...
FrankZappa's user avatar
2 votes
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What is an effective way to present System Update Progress to a user that also lowers frustration?

I am working on an app that starts installing any pending updates when a user logs off the (Windows) workstation. The finished app will look like this (minus 'button1'): Our branding is in the ...
MDMoore313's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Designing UX for an In Vehicle Infotainment system

I am working on an In Vehicle Infotainment System. This is one particular use case I am finding difficult to think in terms of UX : There is an IVI system attached in car which can take commands ...
Amit Tomar's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

What are the strengths and weaknesses of dynamic responsive typography?

By dynamic responsive typography, I mean a system where the type changes in real time based on an external attribute of the environment or the user, without the user explicitly setting it. Here is an ...
JohnGB's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Page updating: "full", "notification" or "replacing"

What is the best user experience with the auto-updating pages - for example, a list of songs. Currently I'm thinking about three good possible solutions: "Full" update: when the new content appear at ...
m0nhawk's user avatar
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1 answer

How should a strip chart of data be displayed?

I have a strip chart which is constantly accepting data. I have been displaying it like this: Under this design, data is added to the right edge, and old data "falls off" the left edge, but it can ...
gobernador's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Presenting real-time data stream

I am displaying a real time twitter stream using websockets. The way I am doing currently is just appending the new tweet to a division. Depending on the activity,the stream becomes unreadable due ...
Vamsi Krishna B's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

What is the most intuitive way to highlight items which require attention or were updated since last log-in?

We are writing an app that manages workflow processes. Users needs to be able to identify which task have been updated since their last log-in and which tasks require their input. The tasks are ...
Jaco Briers's user avatar