I'm creating a IA-prototype for a product-management web app.
I don't know the field (product-management) that well and I'm looking for samples.
The requirements for this Web-app are:
- web-based
- Primarily for desktops but Ipad/touch friendly, not for smaller screens. though.
- Intuitive to navigate
The features are:
- Requirement management
- Planning
- Time
- Test
- Feature request questionnaires
- Tender (Invitation to bid on a manufacturing project)
product management and Requirement management are to the best of my knowledge very similar and wording depends on which industry this is used in.
The main industry for this Web-app is manufacturing, for example furnitures, lamps and so on
One of the userstories sounds out like this
Business Analyst
Process Questionnaire submissions
- Search for submission for a one or more questionnaires (QST)
- Review submissions and create issues or requirements from the user > feedback (QST)
Create structure for specifications
- Create specifications from scratch or look up specifications created by > the Project Manager (RM)
- Define tables of contents (structure) for specifications (RM)
Manage requirements
- Add requirements to specifications (RM)
- Search for requirements (RM)
Register time
Register time against personally assigned tasks in project plan (PLAN)
Links to any patterns that fit the features would be great. Links to information about project live-cycles specification standards would also be a big help.