I have a hierarchy explorer-like list of folders and items. User can select one and explore its children (child folder and items):
[Top folder] -> [Child folder 1] -> [Child folder 2] -> [Child item 1]
Back button navigates back up to the parent folder.
At any moment, user can search through all the hierarchy by the search bar at the top:
[ActionBar ]
[Folder View]
When user hits search, a list of search results is shown below replacing the current folder view:
[Folder] -> [Search results]
The user can click on the search result list representing a list of folder and\or items to show the content of that folder or item:
[Folder] -> [Search results] -> [Folder A]
The user can navigate within folder and then perform another search:
[Folder] -> [Search results 1] -> [Folder A] -> [Folder B] -> [Search result 2]
But with this kind of infinite navigation, how should the back button work like?
After a few searches, navigation by the back button can become very confusing.
It would still be nice for the user to be able to navigate back to the search results.
One solution I have:
Place the search results in a separate tab. Navigating back within the folder\item view tab, will only navigate up. User will need to switch back to the search result tab. It would also require having a way to close this search tab.
What are your recommendations?