In my game I have two types of consumables "shuffles" and "bombs". Every game you get three of each. Here is what the top portion of the game looks like:
Now I want to introduce in app purchases that will allow you to buy 15 more of each at any time. These 15 "bonus" items will be added to your 3 default and persist between games (minus however many of them you use). So if in one game you use your 3 starting bombs plus 4 bonus bombs you will start the next game with 3 default plus only 11 bonus.
I need way to display this second pool of items that hopefully shows they are different but work the same, also in a visually appealing way. I can give the details of "these persist between games etc" on the purchase screen but it'd still be nice to imply it visually.
Bonus question: I'm not entirely sure "bonus" bombs fits for items that you pay for, to me bonus says a free reward. Is there a better word for this?