Lets say a main page provides navigation to two sections: Doing X and Doing Y. Doing X is associated with a single record, however, Doing Y is associated with zero to many records. Upon clicking Do Y, they will navigate to the last viewed Y page, and if there currently aren't any Ys, one will be created. Alternatively, they can click one of the individual Ys in the "List of Ys".

Upon arriving at the Y1 page, the user can do their business. They can also go to Do X, navigate to another Y, add a new Y, or delete the currently viewed Y. There is also extra content associated with Y1 which typically they will not wish to view or edit. I've used Open Dialog Module for Y1 for them to be able to access.

This dialog is getting kind of busy, and I wish to get rid of it and do things differently. Without using a dialog, how can I allow the user to view and edit content, and know it is associated with a given record (i.e. Y1)? How must the "Do X Menu Do Y Menu" change to support this?


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  • 3
    Your question is quite difficult to understand (at least for me ;) ). Could you rephrase it with less abstraction? Maybe by replacing X and Ys by real world stuff or examples?
    – Yako
    Commented Mar 21, 2016 at 10:04

1 Answer 1


For X, they go directly to the X page, and manage it. You are not exposing the edit/delete for X, so why expose it for Y?

What about:

• Do X (button)

• Do Y (dropdown: last Y page viewed, add new Y page, other existing Y page, other existing Y page, etc.)

The button and dynamic drop down could be included for each instance.

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