I'm trying to find some usability studies or even anecdotal commentary on the difference in user preferences of interacting with a select list UI on the desktop vs. mobile.
Traditionally, on the desktop, if you need to pick from many options a select drop-down input is the typical interaction:
| Select 1 \/ |
| Select 2 \/ |
Makes sense as it's 'tradition' and people are certainly familiar with this on the desktop.
On mobile, however, I find these can be a challenge to use. One select with 10 options? That's probably OK. But when you have more than one in a form and/or one or more of them may have 20+ options, I find the native spinner interfaces to be less than ideal.
In the above example, for instance, the path a user would have to take is:
- tap to select first item
- tap + swipe to select option
- tap 'done' to confirm
- tap to select second item
- tap + swipe to select option
- tap 'done' to confirm
As an alternative to that--at least on mobile--we could have a two tiered miller column:
Select 1
option 1 >
option 2 >
option 3 >
They pick one then it slides to the next screen:
Select 2
option 1
option 2
✓ option 3
From a 'screen' cognitive load standpoint, the latter appears heavier (at least when presented as static wireframes), but from a flow standpoint, it's a actually a much lighter load. Instead of 6 taps, the user would have 3.
- tap to open pick list
- tap to select first option
- tap to select second option (and auto-close list)
This feels right, but it's always nice to have some industry research to back up my feelings. :)
So, the question...I guess that's actually part of my question. I'm not sure which question to ask. But I think it'd be: Is there research out there that compares traditional screen based form input vs. mobile tap-based form input? And are there guidelines as to when to use Y on mobile when using X on desktop?
(I acknowledge that this may simply be too broad of a question...)