we have designed a system that creates a personalized stream of (text based) content for users. In order for the system to adapt, the users have to constantly give some feedback based on whether a piece of content matches their personal taste and interests/topics they've pre-selected.
The explicit feedback is given by two buttons whereas the call-to-action for each one until now, was "Interesting" and "Not Interesting". We're thinking however that a piece of content might be interesting to the user but not necessarily in accordance to the current topic of the stream or the user's real interests and favors. Maybe I should also add that these two buttons have a secondary meaning too. The positive feedback rewards the owner of the content while the negative doesn't. The user is familiar with this rewarding concept, but still it's secondary to him since the relevance of the content feedback is top priority.
We don't like: like/dislike
We thought of: Relevant/Not Relevant but might cause confusion like "relevant to what?"
We thought of: Worthy/Not Worthy but maybe too strict.
Any other thoughts and discussion would be highly appreciated folks.