I've had this idea for my personal web-site that I'm really wondering what the experts of UX and design feel here think about
I really enjoy the high-end web-sites that have a video playing on the background, it makes me feel like things are in motion, it's more engaging, fun, and just looks really cool in my opinion, and I was thinking of going a step further
Right now I have a video that looks like this and I've put that onto a background of my site, with my face/body on one side, full name in the center, a catchy tagline under, and an "Enter >" button, to keep it very minimal. It looks like this so far
Now bear with me, I know it doesn't look great, but it's a concept for now
What I wanted to do next is:
- Replace my picture with a full video without a background of me looking into the floor and slowly raising my head up and smiling to the visitor, and freezing the frame on that smile
- Once a user clicks "Enter >", I want to do a 2 step transition:
- First, continue the freeze frame of my face by tilting my head back or something to invite the user to come in (which would take like 1s video on top)
- After the previous video with head tilt - do a transition on the video in the background smoothly into a new video, which would have more links like "Career", "Hobbies", "Personal life", "Contact", etc. Which could look something like this
So finally that I've given you a bit of context and what I've put together so far, I have 2 important questions to you:
- What does UX and design feel tells about something like that? I was thinking of building a Single Page Application and have really smooth transitions between each of these (which might be very tricky technically and with responsiveness, but I want to investigate that further only after I understand that this might indeed be very engaging, dynamic, charming, and personal)
- What is your own personal feeling after everything you're read and seen so far? Do you feel intrigued and curious, or you feel ashamed and cringing?
Thank you so much for reading this far and for any thoughts you can give me, I greatly appreciate any feedback