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5 votes
3 answers

Button position in equal height containers

I am designing card elements and struggling with the CTA button positioning: with equal amounts of dummy text the content heights and button positioning remained consistent and easy on the eye. ...
shahidmirza's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Placement of buttons

I am designing a pop up which will come up after the user has set of a chain of commands. We have a group of 10 items and the first one that can be picked by the client gets processed automatically ...
The O G's user avatar
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4 answers

Does a call to action button on an site for an university make it commercial and reduce its impact ?

I am working on designing a site for a client who wants to create an online music school. The client wants to keep the site very professional with an academic design which would enforce trust. However ...
Mervin's user avatar
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