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Multi-select tree in which parent also is a child

I am working on a multi-select tree in which the user should be able to select all children of a parent. Normally you would be using the parent checkbox to do so, but in this case it should also be ...
Iljoesjin's user avatar
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UI pattern for adding option to a tree select box

I'm wondering if anybody has seen or knows of a good UI pattern for creating options for a select box with a tree-like structure. This is the library I'm planning to use to display the actual ...
Aleks's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Single and whole group selection in tree table

We are using a tree table view in our product. We also have a multiple selection in this view for purpose of bulk updating or drag and drop. I would like the user to be able to single select the group ...
Tal Blizowsky's user avatar
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2 answers

Show/Hide Select All Tree Checkboxes

We are using a 3-level nav tree (Sport-Country-Competition) with nodes being selected only on the third level. Upon running usability tests, we identified that the absence of a "select all" option ...
Dimi's user avatar
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4 votes
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UX for selecting complex set of nodes from 2-level, dynamic, moderate-size tree?

What is a good UX design for letting a user select a complex set of nodes from a 2-level, dynamic, moderate-size tree? (I say a 2-level tree, but to be more accurate, the implied root could be ...
Will's user avatar
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An alternate approach to Treeview

I have a screen where I get a List of Main items. Inturn, each of these main items will have list of sub items inside them. Now user can select a Main Item or items inside it and then run the report. ...
Simsons's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Multiple select from a 2-levels category - how?

Assumed I need to provide a way to select items from a 2-level hierarchy. The simplest way is to have a long list of sets of checkboxes (each with a name) - that's great for discovery of the variety ...
Alexander Abramovich's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Hierarchical tree with bubble up, cascade and folder selection capabilities

I'm looking for a way to show multi-selection hierarchical component (perhaps a tree) which allow selecting either leafs or folders, with both bubble-up and cascade functionality. Lets say I use some ...
BobTheBuilder's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

UI pattern for selecting a rule (from a list of many) and applying to multiple items in a tree

I have considered using a side by side panel design. A list of rules on the left, and a tree navigation on the right - however the tree structure could get very nested. I am concerned how a user would ...
user22157's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Best way to give user two controls (expand and select) on a single object

We're working on an organizational tree visualization, for each node (circle) in the tree the user has two options - expand the node to see its children OR select the node In general, the primary (...
M.A.X's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

Hierarchical multi-state tree check box selection

I'm searching for a good/alternative solution to handle multi-state selections in a check box tree. A normal check box tree is mostly doable, because it has three different states. It might not be ...
Timo's user avatar
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