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1 answer

Interface to pair up dozens of users with resources

We have a web application which connects users with certain resources. The way it works currently is that we have a csv file like this: resource_id_x, user_id_1 resource_id_y, user_id_2 ...
Ken's user avatar
  • 121
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3 answers

Displaying and editing multivalued attribute?

I don't know if "multivalued attribute" sounds good but I will try to explain my problem. I work on a web app and I have a list of users. Each user has a number (from 0 to ≈100) of "codes" related to ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to effectively point users to a text that has 'more info' attached to it?

I need a simple and effective way by which I can let my users know that a particular column in a table has more information attached to it when you hover over it. It is not a link, just text (a number ...
Sanket Pai's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is it better to have a modal or an inline entry for a table?

I have a styled table containing first and last names in each column and nothing else. As part of the usage of my app, people will be entering names. Should I: Have the "add" button launch a modal(...
Howard Grimberg's user avatar