We have a web application which connects users with certain resources.
The way it works currently is that we have a csv file like this:
resource_id_x, user_id_1
resource_id_y, user_id_2
resource_id_z, user_id_3
resource_id_y, user_id_4
[note: a resource can be connected to 0..n users]
We have a python script which reads in the file and makes the connections.
What we want to do is convert this into a web interface and remove the need for the admin users to mess with csv files or running python scripts.
In a typical uses-case, there would be 30-ish resource-user pairs. The admin user will have the information collected in a text file or spreadsheet before starting the operation. This is a list of which user_id is to be paired up with which resource_id
Our current thinking is just to have the admin user construct a text 'table', just like the csv file above (either in a text editor or spreadsheet app). Then paste the 'table' into a web textbox and have the system parse it (extract the user/resource pairs and process these). But this seems 'clunky' to us.
Is there a neater/simpler/more elegant way of doing this? We are especially thinking about first time admin users and making it obvious to them what to do.