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Questions tagged [checkboxes]

widgets that allow a single item to be selected or not. Usually shown by a square box, with a check mark in it if selected.

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4 votes
4 answers

Should items be selected by default

Apologies in advance for the rather verbose description, only I don't yet have the rep to post images. I work on an application where you can browse images and add them to a personal 'folder'. When ...
benb's user avatar
  • 706
7 votes
2 answers

How to lay out a list of lot of checkboxes that may vary in length?

I have a list of checkboxes under header titles (at least three, one of them has sub headers, all in one page), something like this: Problem is, these checkboxes may end up with 10 elements per group,...
Ayyash's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Should present or past tense be used for "Enable / Enabled" checkboxes? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Should a toggle button show its current state or the state to which it will change? When a checkbox enables a feature, is it more correct to use Enable [] or Enabled []? ...
John's user avatar
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51 votes
10 answers

Alternatives to checkboxes and radio buttons in web-based surveys?

I've been tasked with designing a simple questionnaire design with a lot of different types of questions. I've been taking a lot of web-based surveys myself as well as testing some with users. The ...
Martin Christensen's user avatar
17 votes
7 answers

Checkbox label negating

When labeling Checkboxes is it bad to use "negative" or "opposite" descriptions? Should a checked Checkbox always mean "do something", or is it OK for it to mean "don't do something"? For example: ...
Tester101's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

For online HTML based quiz question forms with single answers vs multiple answers, should I use radio button or checkbox?

If there is only one correct answer, I could use radio buttons. If there are multiple correct answers, checkboxes. However, since it's a quiz and not an information gathering form or survey, I could ...
MetaGuru's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Best choice for three-state value?

In my application, the user can filter fields by selecting one of three possible values for each field: True False Both I currently have a drop-down box, but this requires two clicks while the ...
pimvdb's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Tri-state checkbox: Which state should be selected after clicking?

There is a hierarchy of selectable items, let's say a parent and two children. All three items have checkboxes. When both children are checked, the parent's checkbox is also checked. When both ...
Vitaly Mijiritsky's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

When would I use Facebook style fcbkcomplete instead of a multiselect dropdown?

Is there any occasion when you should use the Facebook style multiselect textbox (as seen in fcbkcomplete or smarttextbox) compared to a regular multiselect dropdown / list box or a set of checkboxes?
leora's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Why will you choose to use 'Check Box' instead of 'Option List' for two options? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How Yes or No Questions Should be Represented in Forms This is a usability query. Suppose you only have two options you want a user to pick, are there any design ...
Julius A's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Multiple or Single Checkbox for ToDo List?

Would you suggest for a To-Do List section of a project management app I am working on have multiple checkboxes? Or keep things simple and "common" using single checkbox? I think that multiple ...
Jiew Meng's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Best Text for "Select All"/"Unselect All" Buttons with CheckLists

What would "better" text for buttons that select all items in a checklist: "Check All" / "Uncheck All" "Select All" / "Unselect All" or perhaps other text
AndrewJacksonZA's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

Check all / uncheck all checkboxes with regards to usability

I'm just wondering as to your thoughts on the best way of providing check/uncheck all functionality for an HTML table with multiple rows, that has a column of checkboxes. Some possibilities: Extra ...
bcmcfc's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

Select All & Clear All vs. Invert

I met with situation when I have to use the long multiply check list. I have to add some usable buttons Select All, Clear All or Revert Invert. I know that the common practice is using "Select All" ...
igor's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

What is the best acknowledge UI?

What is the best acknowledge UI? Ie. confirmation by the user. 1) A simple checkbox on a form or 2) A pop-up with a message and OK/Cancel buttons
JFR's user avatar
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92 votes
12 answers

Should checkbox labels be to the right or the left?

I've got some checkboxes with text values of varying lengths (from say 5 characters up to about 60) - which is the preferred layout? Value to the left and checkbox to the right, or vice versa?
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