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Two options of how user selects mode. Which one is better? [closed]

Hello, guys! My colleagues and I had a very heated discussion over those options of how a user can tune settings in our web-application. A little bit of context: we build a system for professionals ...
qn0361's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Using Select All with button checkboxes

I like the usability enhancement that button checkboxes provide -- nice big click targets, plus we can add a little sliver of color that's used elsewhere in our application to impart a status ...
Izquierdo's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Clearly differentiating between radio buttons and checkboxes in funnel

As a complete UX beginner, I am having trouble differentiating pages containing 1-choice-only radio buttons and multiple-choices-possible checkboxes. I feel like there isn't enough to clearly ...
Peasey's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Avoid toggle switch on any page with save button?

I'm currently working on a tool which more or less requires a submit/save button on every page. This is due to avoid any immediate effect on the end user who consumes the content. Sometimes, it feels ...
stacked-cabbages's user avatar
2 votes
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Best practice of single select row on table

On the website I'm working on there are tables with multi-select row function to trigger some actions. Here is the current implementation of the table. Buttons to trigger the actions are placed on top ...
Dolorosa's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

"Don't ask me again" as a checkbox or a button?

I have an optional form that is presented as a dialog box prompting for some information. The user can choose to fill this out and click submit, ignore it this time, or choose to never be prompted ...
slf's user avatar
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2 answers

checkbox that is not positive or negative

I am looking for a multiple choice checkbox that is not positive or negative just a mark. where have you seen examples for such buttons? I am building a process that allows to approve or reject ...
Dana Raviv's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

What's the difference between a toggle switch, radio buttons and a tickbox? What's the best cases these patterns can be used?

What's the best cases these patterns can be use?
Sknny's user avatar
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11 votes
12 answers

Placement of "done" checkbox button

My team is having trouble deciding where to place a done checkbox. We have a website containing a collection of pages in a row from first page to last page. Each page can be a text or assignment. ...
Mattias Bregnballe's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Select Items using checkbox and Multiple Submit options

A web page defines a few search criterion. When user submits the search criterion, the search results are rendered on the page. These results are email addresses to which the user might want to send ...
SJha's user avatar
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1 answer

Remove the background on an icon-button [closed]

Good day, I have an "checkbox icon" which opens a window with checkbox groups. I'm not really enjoying the background-color of the icon, I think it's better without the background. ...
So4ne's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Checkbox versus a button when switching between two states on an item

The user needs to be able to activate/deactivate an item in the ui. SPECIFICATION: Display the current state of the item (activated or not) and offer the ability to activate/deactivate it depending ...
Dave Haigh's user avatar
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-1 votes
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What control is the best to edit Yes/No properties? [closed]

What do you think? I have a little window with one content control. What is the best control to edit a Yes/No value? At the beginning i used a combobox,now a radiobutton. Maybe is a checkbox better? ...
Ziggy's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

Toggle button vs. check box and toggle switch

XAML for Windows 8 offers 3 controls for toggling: toggle button, check box and toggle switch. The Windows 8 UX guidelines explain and compare the check box and the toggle switch, but make no mention ...
Sebastian Negraszus's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What cues signal an unchecked state?

The key action on a page is selecting "I'm in" (meaning "I'm committed", which can also be deselected). The logical choice of controls is a checkbox: [ ] I'm in I'd like to give this action elevated ...
Kris Braun's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

A button with choices

I have list of buttons that can be pressed or unpressed individually (like checkbox functionality). Some of the buttons can also have some attributes (+ or -), but it's uncommon to select those ...
Henrik Ekblom's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How to make "signing a contract" on a tablet feel serious and legally binding?

Is there any standard for accepting signatures inside an application? I want to write an android app for gathering clients and then having them sign contracts on the tablet device. Is just an "I ...
Codejoy's user avatar
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51 votes
10 answers

Alternatives to checkboxes and radio buttons in web-based surveys?

I've been tasked with designing a simple questionnaire design with a lot of different types of questions. I've been taking a lot of web-based surveys myself as well as testing some with users. The ...
Martin Christensen's user avatar