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Questions tagged [checkboxes]

widgets that allow a single item to be selected or not. Usually shown by a square box, with a check mark in it if selected.

10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 votes
2 answers

Select a lot of items (checkboxes)

I'm working on a game where users can have a lot of items (50-100k). The items are stored in a database, they are all unique because they have metadata (achieved time etc.). We would like to allow the ...
sharpness's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Matrix table with checkbox selections

I am creating a matrix data table which will allow checkbox selections. Here is a mock up I have come up with: This fulfils two purposes: User is able to see instantly which options have been ...
MAX POWER's user avatar
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1 answer

Multi-select tree in which parent also is a child

I am working on a multi-select tree in which the user should be able to select all children of a parent. Normally you would be using the parent checkbox to do so, but in this case it should also be ...
Iljoesjin's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Autoselect lower options - effective design patterns

I have series of options that I currently render as checkboxes. However, the options themselves "stack" in the sense that selecting one, should auto-select all the options below it. ex. If we have ...
user137093's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Alternative to side scrolling table for an infinite list of X-Axis checkbox items

I have a problem in which there is a table that does not have a predefined amount of columns or rows. i.e., for both the X and Y axis there is no limit. This invites a high probability of the user ...
Fritz's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to Choose Between Radio Buttons and Checkboxes for a Multi-Page Form with Required Fields?

I’m designing a multi-page form with several sections, each containing multiple questions. Users can initially skip required questions and move to the next section but must complete them before ...
Neha Kamath's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Optional Newsletter Signup Best Practice - Checkbox = Yes/[empty] OR Yes/No?

My site has many, many forms and a user may fill out multiple forms in a visit. Each form filled out places the user on a specific mailing list related to their inquiry. At the end of each form, the ...
timarion's user avatar
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0 answers

Location of advanced options on form

In our platform, you can schedule routine scans. Imagine you can check boxes to scan for people, cars, locations. But under advanced options (located currently at the bottom) you can perform a type of ...
merlin's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the best way to design nested multi-select checklist for touch devices with capability to preview?

We are designing a multi-select nested checklist for a touch kiosk application. In this checklist, we have multiple parents and these parents are selectable/checkable but when we tap on them, they get ...
B L Λ C K's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What is the best pattern on selecting options to display look book prices

This is an online app for our product salespeople. This app allows our product managers to create a custom pdf look book that can be emailed or printed out for specific customer. The selection ...
Mark Phoenix's user avatar