There is some internal debate about whether or not the view results count per page drop down should be at the top of the data tables or below them. I recently made adjustments to our data tables, and moving the view results count per page drop down to the bottom left of the table was one of them. See screenshots for examples.
Top view results count per page drop down
Bottom view results count per page drop down
Is there a best practice or some research as to which location is better for the user? I can see the preference going for either way. The debate is that the user can immediately see the ability to change the results per page because it might be below the browser fold on some screens. It was moved to the bottom to create more room for action items above the data tables, and also with the thought process that once you're at the end of the data table. You would then decide to change the results per page count.
Some quick searching around I found the following.
Sites using it in the bottom location:
- Google Analytics (on their data tables)
- Mailchimp (anytime there is pagination)
- ux.stackexchange (search results page)
Sites using it in the top location:
- Target
- Bhphotovideo