I have a tricky interface to design and was hoping that the more seasoned UX designers here could give me some ideas or perhaps point me in the right direction.
I have two entities :
A DocumentType could also be called a 'document template'. As its name suggests it describes a type of document. Each DocumentType belongs to a "Section" which in turn belongs to a "Zone" (Zone > Section > DocType). It also be attached to one or more contexts. These contexts are also hierarchical (Country > Company > Employee).
Name | Section | Zone | ContextCountry? | ContextCompany? | ContextEmployee?
A Document is an instance of a DocumentType.
So for instance a "CV" DocumentType would be in the 'Corporate' zone and the 'HR' section and would be marked as applicable to Employees. Instances (Documents) of this "CV" DocumentType would thus be associated with actual Employees registered within the system.
When viewing the Documents I'd like users to be able to filter and sort according to both hierarchies (Zone > Section > DocType) & (Country > Company > Employee). Rather than display a large table with tons of filters I was thinking of two different views each with a tree which would filter a table of documents, thus permitting us to see all documents associated with a particular Country (and thus all Documents associated with Companies in this country and/or their Employees) (and ditto for Zone>Section>Doc).
Seems a bit clunky though. Particularly if we add to each view, filters on the 'other' hierarchy (not represented by a tree)....
Any ideas?