I've been recently told that users don't care about certain information or find the website (consequently, the company) suspicious or questionable when the following info are stated:
- Number of subscribers. We saw a lot of this in the 90s and early 2000s. Of course a website wants to come across as popular, but now, I hear that people don't care about this statistic.
- Anything claiming the best in the industry. Even if it's true and universally known, we're supposed to avoid phrases like "Your #1 ..." or "The world's top...". If we are to avoid these,what other ways can we convey that the company is exceptional?
- List of Prominent Companies Using The Website's Services. This seems to be another show-off ploy, according to many, and after all, users supposedly only care about the website meeting their own needs. What other ways can we portray that the website/company is reputable?
- Social Network Icons. This is a new one for me. I thought putting icons that link to the company's (at least) Facebook, Google, and Twitter accounts is the thing to do nowadays. Some say that the larger the icons, and the closer they are to the top of the page, the more repulsive to users in general. I also noticed (upon visiting random sites that sell products and services) that they shrunk their social network icons and/or put them in less-prominent locations (like at the footer or sidebar).
- Testimonials Above The Fold. For me, as soon as I see these on main page first load, the website is probably a scam. It could seem like they're trying to hide a weakness or deficiency of their offerings with subjective positive feedback from users (if even actually from a user).
- Any Awards Won. I have seen less and less of this over the last few years. Again, this is one that users supposedly don't care about.
There are probably more things we're not supposed to include [anymore]. Wow. I'll end up with a blank website sooner or later. The only thing I can put is the company logo.
It seems like society's psyche has changed, so what, then, do we [not] put on a website?