I've got a table that displays data to users. Each line of data can have a report attached to it. The 2nd cell in the table is used to show users if there is a report present, if there is you get an icon to show there is one present for that line of data.
The first question is, if there is NO report present for the line of data is it more user friendly to display something like an Add icon ( which the user can click to add a report ) or will it be better to just have a blank cell which the user clicks into?
To me personally having a blank cell is not a good idea and not clear at all. However if none of the rows in the table have a report attached then you end up with many cells just with a Add icon which again looks a bit strange. If there are hundreds of rows, which is common, then there will be so many Add icons, likewise if you have hundreds of rows with no report then there will be many blank cells.
I made an album of some screen-shots that show the rows with a Add icon and without.
There are three screenshots in the album, one with icons for add, one without icons for add, and a third image with the cell text centre aligned.
The second question is, should the cell text be left aligned ( as in 2 of the screen-shots ) or is it more clear centred as in:
Any feedback would be great, making usable interfaces sure is a tricky business!