Should a documentation portal for a large SaaS company with multiple applications, that has all the docs for all the apps in one docs portal, switch to a curated/personalized view after a user logs in? - that only shows documentation on their subscribed app(s)?
1 Answer
Yes indeed. This is known as the Principle of Intentionality. You can learn about it in a psychology oriented article A Principle of Intentionality, and the UX-focused article Intentionality in User Experience (disclaimer: I wrote it).
Simply put: your user will want to perform a single action, or a limited set of actions.
Let's say your documentation's whole range contains 100 items, but you have the option to identify your users and serve a very specific subset of items based on their preferences. This will only increase performance and decrease the possibility of errors, and you can test it using scientific methods like Hick-Hyman's Law (also known as Hick's Law).
In short
If it's within your possibilities, then yes, you should use a curated/personalized option, just like you say