Users' replies to posts on a blog-type site, or replies to replies and so on, are usually called "comments". And so long as the invitation to respond is not as cutesy as "Have your say" or "Join the conversation", it usually takes the form of "Leave a comment" or "Post a comment".
What are the pros and cons of using an alternative word to "comment", such as "response"? For example, the number of replies might be given in the form "73 responses" and the invitation to respond could appear as "Post a response".
Might the word "response" deter some users from posting throwaway waste-of-time remarks? Might it also induce some users whose replies would be welcome to believe that they are insufficiently "expert" to contribute? Or might it do both, reducing the demographic of possible responders unwantedly far? Perhaps the word "comment" is so predominant that the use of an alternative word would be considered tendentious?
Informed and considered opinions and references to research would be much appreciated!