I am working on a new page in my companies application where it will be showing a table of staff requests for a manager to action. The table will include a column with the date that the request was sent to the manager, and another column with the date that the request relates to.
When the manager looks at the date that the request came in, they are likely going to be comparing this to internal deadlines, for example, "they need to send these requests two weeks in advance, so I need to check the request was sent before the 1st September", or, "which of these two employees sent their request first?". For this column the most important thing to the manager is the date (e.g. "1st") and the time the request was sent.
For the other column with the request details, the manager will be interested mostly in the day of the week (e.g. "Monday") with a secondary interest on the date (e.g. "1st") to double check which week the request relates to.
Therefore, my instinct tells me that these two dates need slightly different formatting, as the manager does not care about the day of the week that the request was sent in. I don't really want to include the day of the week in the first column, but it will be essential information for the other column.
Is it a better user experience to have consistency on this page and have the two dates in the same format? Or is it better to think about each use case separately and have two different date formats on the same page?