The website in question is for long-form blog content. The body will include images that users input when they create their blog/content entries, hence the number of images in post is not controllable.
The question is about best practices and the trade-off between aesthetics and readability (readability is the top criterion for us) on what options to offer to end users.
A. Image layout
- Left-aligned image with text on its right. (The image is 30-50% of blog form width.)
- Right-aligned image with text on its left. (The image is 30-50% of blog form width.)
- Center-aligned image with no text is on either side. (The image is 60%-80% of blog form width.)
B. Spacing. What works better?
- 0, 1 or 2 line spaces before above such image blocks?
C. Text formatting
- Some sites now format text in a different size or color when it's on the left or right of an image, for image placement like options 1 and 2, above. Should we do this?